The plans for City Centre South, which gained planning permission in February, have been revised following the appointment of development partner the Hill Group.
The main changes are:
- The Empire is being retained
- Residential units are being increased by 200 to 1500
- There will be 20% affordable housing – i.e. 300 units – split between social housing (60%) and shared ownership (40%). This will be delivered in the first phase of the development.
- Reduced amount of retail development – from 37, 500 sq metres to 20,000 sq metres. There is less demand for large stores so the larger stores have been removed and the depth of plots is therefore narrower.
- The amount of active frontage will increase
- They have shrunk the width of the pavilion building.
- They have changed the height of some of the building.
There is an exhibition of the plans in Shelton Square tomorrow (Saturday 5th November) between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Alternately you can see the plans and respond online here.