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War Memorials at Coventry Schools
Bablake School
Dedicated to: The 700 former pupils who served and the 96 who died in the war.
History: This is a large wooden memorial board in the school hall. The school also has a bound roll of honour listing all former pupils who died in both world wars.
Current location: Bablake School.
King Henry VIII School
Dedicated to: Former pupils who died in the war.
History: The memorial is in the form of a library with a wooden plaque. The library and the plaque were destroyed by bombing in the Second World War. The library has been rebuilt and a new plaque
commemorates former pupils who died in both World Wars.
Current location: King Henry VIII School.
Frederick Bird School
Dedicated to: 400 former pupils who served in the war and 41 old boys and one teacher who died.
History: Frederick Bird was the first school in Coventry to have a memorial. It was unveiled in September 1919 by Councillor Fred Lee. It included a large photograph of AJ Suddens, teacher at the school, who
died as a prisoner of war in 1918.
Current location: This memorial no longer exists.
Eden Girls School
Dedicated to: Private Philip Gray West and A.H. Carpenter
History: The memorial garden was created by the girls of Year 9 in June 2016 as part of a Legacy 110 project following a visit to battlefields of the First World War. The memorial is in the form of two
plaques surrounded by planting. It is intended to extend the initial planting into a garden area. The memorial was unveiled at a School Assembly focusing on the battle of the Somme on 1st July 2016.
Current Location: Eden Girls School, Stoney Stanton Road.
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