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About the Coventry Society
The Coventry Society is Coventry’s civic society, affiliated to Civic Voice and a Registered Charity. The Society is a membership organisation open to anyone who supports our objectives:
- To promote the environmental, social, economic and cultural improvement of Coventry for the benefit of people living and working here.
- To promote high standards of planning, urban design and architecture in or affecting Coventry.
- To preserve, and to prmote understanding and appreciation of, the built, landscape and environmental heritage and history of Coventry.
- To promote high quality public amenities and services for the people of Coventry.
- To promote harmonious relations among the community of all races, beliefs and cultures in Coventry. The Society was formed in 1970 and was revived in 2004.
The Coventry Society campaigns for…
Quality in Coventry
We want to see better quality in the streets, squares, parks and buildings in all parts of Coventry. We want to see well designed streets with active frontages, not dominated by road signs, guard rails and other clutter.
Coventry Amenities
We want Coventry to have the leisure, sports and cultural facilities and services you would expect for a city of its size.
Diversity and distinctiveness in Coventry
We do not want Coventry to look like every other city. We need different types of shops and cultural amenities, catering for everyone. We promote and protect independent retailers and other small businesses.
Coventry Heritage
Coventry’s heritage is important for the City’s sense of identity and belonging. The character and quality, that old buildings and other historic features bring to our city centre and neighbourhoods, needs to be protected. Urgent attention needs to be paid to making good use of old buildings.
The Coventry Society….
- holds lively monthly meetings on topics relevant to the quality of our city
- organises other events where people can find out what is going on in the city and get their views heard
- produces an informative monthly newsletter for its members and this web site
- monitors planning applications and campaigns to improve the quality of new developments
- keeps an eye on Coventry’s heritage and works actively to find new uses for old buildings
- co-operates with community groups, the City Council, architects and developers to promote quality in the built environment
- works to encourage all Coventry’s citizens to have a say on the future of our city
- comments on City Council and other policy that affects the future of our city
Registered Charity No. 500229
Coventry Society leaflet April 2024